STAMFORD S9 alternator powers the Savannah Nickel Sulphide Mine in the western region of Australia

Published On: September 30, 2019

Contract Power has added the recently launched STAMFORD® S9 to the fleet of 8 STAMFORD® HVSI804R1 units for the 12 MW power plant at the Savannah nickel sulphide mine, located in the East Kimberly Region of Western Australia.
The Savannah mine is one of the three mining projects in this region. 28 x SSTAMFORD® P80s have been installed at the Christmas Creek mine and 22 x STAMFORD® P80s at the Cloudbreak iron ore mine.

The STAMFORD® S9 uses its advanced thermal technology system in combination with CoreCooling™ to provide optimised power density, extended insulation lifetime, enhanced efficiencies and ratings up to 5,000kVA, which is extensively validated and tested.
By developing and using this Class H insulation system, the STAMFORD® S9 has more optimized power density, is physically smaller and lighter than an alternator with an equivalent Class F ratings insulation system. Because of these factors, increased ratings up to 5000kVA have been achieved.

“The STAMFORD® alternators have proven very reliable over the years in our Mining installations. With the modifications made to the new S9, they now become even more serviceable for these remote locations.”

For more information on the full range of STAMFORD® or AvK® products and services visit: