CGT celebrates raising the bar for women in engineering on INWED 2018

Published On: February 27, 2019

Cummins Generator Technologies is a global company made of an incredibly diverse workforce through all genders, races and religions across the world thanks to the company values that were installed nearly 100 years ago.

We're celebrating this diversity in 2018 by supporting the international campaign to promote women's role in engineering led by International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) under the patronage of UNESCO.


CGT is celebrating the initiative and success of it's female engineers around the globe through INWED 2018 which is focusing it's message this year on 'Raising The Bar'.

INWED is an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focuses attention on the amazing career opportunities available to girls in this exciting industry. It celebrates the outstanding achievements of women engineers throughout the world. Taking place annually on June 23rd it encourages everyone to get involved, both male and female, to provide their own examples of excellent performance, behaviour and case studies to follow around the world and inspire the next generation.

Cummins women in engineering

Cummins has a long history of supporting and promoting women in engineering and this has resulted in the diverse workforce that operates in countries around the world today. To promote Cummins Generator Technologies' involvement in the campaign we have produced a series of social media interviews and quotes to represent the different type of roles and routes into engineering.

Sarah Nicholls, Product Development Director, said: "Working in engineering from my own point of view is amazing, I get to work with great people, great suppliers, great customers and it really helps me grow and develop. Cummins has always given me that opportunity to grow and develop - they sponsored me for my MBA, they continue to sponsor me for training externally but also experiences to help me grow and develop my own career so that I too can reach my full potential.

"I hope I'm a role model for other women in similar positions. I hope I'm something for women to aspire to be because I've had such a broad experience and different route to get to engineering than you would typically see. I didn't come straight out of university into CGT I actually came straight from school and then they gave me my degrees and sponsored me through all of that."

Peenki Rani, Graduate Electrical Engineer, came through a more traditional route to employment: "I did Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Newcastle University and being part of Newcastle University I had an opportunity to apply to Cummins Generator Technologies through E3 Academy. I was able to do my summer internship in CGT and not only that, I was sponsored by CGT while doing my degree and straight after graduating I was hired as a Graduate Electrical Engineer."

Company-wide initiative

Through the running of graduate schemes, apprenticeships and further promotion of diversity in the workplace, CGT has provided the perfect environment for young engineers to develop a career in the industry. This focus has required, and been met with, support from the highest level including those in the senior leadership team who know how important it is to create opportunities for staff to develop.

Kevan Simon, Chief Technical Officer, looks at how far the industry has come and how far it still has to go: "As we consider the advancement in Globalisation and Technological breakthrough it seems implausible to me that we are still grappling with equality /diversity and inclusion. It is now 100 years since women got to vote and yet there are still inherent beliefs or stereotypes were it is considered an only male environment, STEM is one of these areas.

"As I see many different locations around the world were we a developing our Engineering Capabilities, many locations have made significant advancements towards equality, yet there is still much to do. The STEM fields todays are very different than they were 100 years ago and there are opportunities for everybody with varying skillsets and backgrounds from non-traditional areas, this makes our ability to face the future easy as we work together on the challenges ahead of us.

"Even as I look at my own Leadership Team having a mix of skills and talents/genders and diversity really makes us stronger. We all need to work together to get ready for what is yet to come. But most importantly we need to recognize the journey that has been made and to everybody for their efforts so far.”

To hear about more from INWED18 follow the hashtag #INWED18 or look out for the posts from the STAMFORD-AvK social media accounts. Or to keep up-to-date with the latest insider info on Cummins career developments head to the Talent Community website.