Cummins Generator Technologies releases new flagship website

Published On: January 1, 2019

Cummins Generator Technologies has released a new flagship website,, replacing

This new site was the focal point of a rapid improvement project to improve the virtual experience with the STAMFORD and AvK brands. In addition to the new design, there are several other new features of the site including:

  • Rebranding of the domain name to; however, this does not mean that the old domain name ( is going to be eliminated. One can still enter this into their address bar, but will be automatically redirected towards the new domain.
  • Each page on the new website is formatted to fit properly on mobile devices, whether it be a mobile phone or a tablet. This new feature should make it easier for the site to be accessed anywhere, anytime.
  • The STAMFORD AvK Power Portfolio. This new page acts as a mechanism for assisting customers with the beginning of their product discovery. The page features filters (such as voltage, power output, poles) to assist the selection of a model.
  • A dynamic slider on the home page featuring the latest content from Cummins Generator Technologies.