Cummins Generator Technologies and University of Lincoln collaborate for marketing competition

Published On: January 4, 2019

From 8-11th November, twelve students from the University of Lincoln, UK, took part in the 'Pitch it! Cummins Business Challenge' in partnership with University's Careers and Employability Team.

The task was to devise an innovative marketing strategy to aid the launch of a new alternator in seven days. All three of the teams worked superbly to provide approaches that showed an understanding of our customers, an insight into new approaches as well as showing how they successfully worked as a team.

Award presentation from Alastair McQueen, Director - New Product Introduction

The students were from divese disciplines ' such as design, business, engineering, computer science and creative marketing ' and each brought their own take on the challenge, which was inspiring to witness, confirming diversity drives innovation.

The final result was incredibly close. The Cummins panel made up of the Marketing, Product Planning and Global HR departments had a tough decision once all three teams had presented. The winning team, Eliana Lewis, Ellie Cheney, Emmanuel Uanseru and Connor Davies eventually took the prize because of their strong combination of creativity with customer understanding.

The students who were involved said the experience of presenting to the panel had really built their confidence, and that the task itself helped them use skills they had not realised they possessed. We are very excited about this new, ongoing collaboration with the University of Lincoln and are already looking forward to 2016's challenge.