On Video: Setting the Standard

Published On: November 15, 2018

Cummins Generator Technologies is renowned for the longevity and robustness of its products. A new online video uses interviews with key personnel to explain how this quality and reliability flows naturally from an internationally standardised approach.

Drawing on commentaries from Jeff Matthews, Global Director, Research and Technology, Ron Cebula, Director, Supply Chain and Operations, Tom Sreeves, Director of Manufacturing at rental generator set provider Aggreko and Vikrant Aggarwal, Executive Director, the video shows how years of accumulated technical and customer understanding, applied through globally standardised factories, produces more than just good products.

'Technical leadership isn't something that happens overnight,' Matthews comments. Many years of interactions with customers produce 'proprietary insight', allowing Cummins Generator Technologies to apply its great knowledge and experience to create unique customer solutions.

A single Global Standard means plants in Europe, North America and Asia produce products to the same exacting quality. 'We work to a single standard for both products and services no matter where or what we provide,' Cebula affirms. 'This is our common language throughout Cummins, and it helps us to be a truly global company.'

Rental generator set supplier Aggreko has experienced the difference that working hand in hand with Cummins Generator Technologies makes. 'That really starts with pre-sales, interfacing with our engineering group to select the right product,' Sreeves says. And the support continues all the way through the product lifecycle, to the benefit of Aggreko and its customers.

'We are an organisation that strives to do more than just make a good product,' Aggarwal concludes. 'We are an organisation that cares about our customers, cares about our employees, cares about our communities.'

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