STAMFORD | AvK APAC Distributors Meeting held in Singapore

Published On: October 24, 2022

STAMFORD | AvK APAC successfully held the 2022 APAC Distributors Meeting on 22 September 2022, in Singapore.

Attendees included Distributors from Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand with participants from the STAMFORD | AvK global management team, APAC Sales and Marketing, and Order Management and Customer Services (OMCS) team.

David Lim, APAC Sales Director, expressed a warm welcome to the distributor representatives. Desmond McMenamin, Global General Manager and Robert Reinius, Global Sales and Marketing Director shared and updated on the macroeconomy and market, outlining STAMFORD | AvK mission to continue to develop products to meet market and industries requirements to better serve customers. Respective Distributors shared success stories, market outlook and initiatives for 2023.

Our Authorised Whole Good Distributors are our partners in the market helping to support localised regions, with upfit capability enabling a range of stock that can be tailored to meet your requirements.

In addition, Karan Ohri, Global Head of Marketing and Strategy, Sarah Nicholls, Product Lifecycle and Engineering Director and Adam Pask, Product Marketing Manager, joined the conference virtually from the UK, respectively, to give some product updates and answered questions from the audience.

A key highlight of the meeting included meeting the APAC distributors in person after 3 years. The event was an important fixture as it was the first APAC event held after the pandemic.

Find out more about STAMFORD® and AvK® Authorised Whole Goods Distributors.

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