Mission sustainable for the Skandi Iceman - AvK® Marine Hybrid Propulsion and Shaft Solution

Published On: November 23, 2022

Hybrid marine propulsion partnership with VARD

Since 2013, the Skandi Iceman has been supporting critical operations in Norway, powered by over 20 MVA of AvK® shaft and propulsion alternators.

Since commission, the Skandi Iceman has covered extensive miles to provide reliant field work in harsh environments off the coast of Norway. The vessel's versatile deck machinery and high power have seen it supporting the recent installation of turbines in an off-shore wind farm. The Skandi Iceman has also been in the news recently when it was called upon to rescue a passenger cruise ship, which had run aground in a Norwegian fjord.

Over many years, VARD has come to rely on the STAMFORD® and AvK® solutions, order handling and application engineering teams for our high level of technical knowledge and quick response to requirements in diesel-electric marine propulsion projects.

So, when a hybrid power system requiring alternators was called for on a customer's new oil and gas offshore support vessel, it was a natural decision for VARD to specify AvK®.

VARD won the contract, which was to supply the onboard hybrid power system for the Skandi Iceman. DOF Subsea's Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessel was designed for offshore operation in the oil and gas sector.

The Skandi Iceman was designed to be deployable worldwide, and able to operate continuously in order to pay back its investment. The vessel's specification called for high speed, low fuel consumption, excellent manoeuvrability and stability. VARD ensured the overall power system achieved the internationally recognised DNV certification, while DNV Green Passport accreditation was provided by STAMFORD | AvK.

Two AvK® DSG 144 alternators function as shaft alternators for non-propulsive hotel power and also for propulsive hybrid power. Three auxiliary generator sets fitted with AvK® DSG 114 alternators deliver power for the DEP system while manoeuvring, as well as power for deck machinery and the vessel's FiFi I+II specification firefighting pumps. Between them, the two 5,500 kVA DSG 144 alternators and the three 3,000 kVA DSG 114 alternators meet the vessel's 20,000 kVA total power requirement.

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