Cummins Innovation Centre opens at the University of Nottingham

Published On: October 23, 2018

Cummins Generator Technologies, have a long history of working with the University of Nottingham's Faculty of Engineering on projects including electromagnetic and thermal modelling of synchronous alternators, high speed machines for turbochargers and novel machine and control topologies for traction applications.

As a result of this successful collaboration, Cummins have decided to establish an Innovation Centre at the University with projected funding of around £2m over the next five years. The Centre has also been recognised as a centre of excellence by the Royal Academy of Engineering who has awarded the Centre a prestigious senior fellowship and additional strategic equipment funds.

Dr Chris Gerada, Research Director of the Cummins Innovation Centre, said: 'This partnership with Cummins will strengthen the electrical machines research base at Nottingham and will form a true multidisciplinary team, which can effectively and holistically look at electrical machine systems and their integration within high-performance applications.'

Electrical machines research has recently seen a rapid development driven by interest in more-electric transportation, renewable energy generation and high efficiency targets aimed at reducing carbon emissions in domestic and industrial applications.

Dr Neil Brown, Chief Engineer, Research and Technology, Cummins Generator Technologies, said: 'Product innovation will be a central part of meeting the changing needs of our customers and our success as a business, and building effective collaborative relationships is a key element in the innovation process.

'The academic staff at Nottingham are long serving and of high standing and the quality of students outstanding. These factors, combined with excellent facilities, a broad spectrum of disciplines, strong relationships and close proximity to our factory based in Stamford, Lincolnshire, made The University of Nottingham the logical choice for our innovation centre.'

During his visit to the UK, Dr. John Wall, VP Chief Technology Officer of Cummins Inc. †unveiled a†STAMFORD P0/P1 generator as part of the launch to commemorate the opening of the†Cummins Innovation Centre†which was held at the University of Nottingham on Monday, March 26th 2012.