Cummins European 'Women in Technology' conference to be hosted in Peterborough, UK

Published On: January 21, 2019

As part of our global initiative to promote and develop women across Cummins, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting this year's European Women in Technology Conference on 21_23 June at Cummins Generator Technologies' global headquarters in Peterborough, UK.

The Cummins European Women in Technology Conference 2015 was held in Columbus, Indiana, USA.

Science, technology and engineering industries have long been male-dominated fields all over the world. Cummins knows that a diverse workforce is necessary to succeed in today's global marketplace. Diversity, in all its dimensions, is important for us to become a creative, innovative and an effective technical organisation.

The Cummins European Women in Technology conference creates an in-person forum where female employees can collaborate in a safe and inclusive environment, sharing ideas, concerns and learning from each other as well as learning about technical topics.

This year's conference theme is 'Technical Excellence - One Europe. One Mission. One Cummins.' and it will focus on these three aspects:

  • Technical expertise' Forums to stimulate discussion to promote innovation and customer focused technical creativity.
  • Embrace who you are; enable others' Discovering your personality revealing a role model in everyone, fostering open communication to create and nurture strong networks.
  • Development for all' Creating an inclusive environment for development of female technical employees and identifying the best avenue for success.

23 June, the final day of the conference, coincides with the annual National Woman in Engineering Day (NWED), and this year Cummins is proud to be an official sponsor of the initiative.

Kevan Simon, Chief Technical Officer and sponsor, commented:'We are excited and honoured to host this year's annual Cummins European Women in Technology conference in Peterborough. This event gives participants from all over Europe a valuable opportunity to share ideas and network within the Cummins organization. Furthermore, our core values ensure that we embrace cultural differences, promote diversity and nurture the development of women ' and STEM based opportunities are key to that.'

We'll be tweeting live from the conference, so if you're attending or would like to get involved tweet with the hashtag #cwit16

Feedback from previous conferences has been incredibly positive:

'Great conference for networking, creating relationships and learning about new topics'

'The breadth of the topics definitely benefited my career development'

'It is a great initiative to get an update on the technical work that is going on in the company'

'It is inspiring to listen to successful women's' career journeys'