CGT China holds 2017 Annual Sales Conference at global headquarters in UK

Published On: February 22, 2019

The global headquarters of STAMFORD | AvK sales in Peterborough, hosted the 2017 CGT China Annual Sales Conference to a large consortium of customers from the Chinese market.

Around 35 customers were treated to a new experience in England where they were able to see first-hand the company headquarters and speak directly to the leadership team of STAMFORD | AvK to understand the brand's history, future plans and unique culture.

The connection between the European and Chinese markets were a key part of discussion as the customers were able to communicate with each other on gen-set information and market trends in the region.

During the conference, the businessmen were told about all the latest developments taking place within STAMFORD | AvK.

Bruce Chen, General Manager of CGT China, and Charlie Pan, Marketing Director ' China and APAC, emphasized the growth of the Chinese market in 2017 thanks to the new S-range product launches and also pointed out how the focus will continue to develop the anti-counterfeit work in the region next year.

The party were also welcomed by Scott Strudwick, Director of Global Sales & Marketing, Trevor French, Director of Global Marketing and Sales Strategy and Kevan Simon, Global Engineering and Technical Director, who introduced the details behind STAMFORD | AvK's development trends, new product ideas, global economy forecasts and the launch of a 'premium brand' strategy.

There were also speeches from Charles Zha, Sales Director of CGT China, Chen Min, Global Supply Chain Director, Pauline Fan, CGT China Engineering Director and Cristian Rila, Global AvK Sales Manager, before Desmond McMenamin, the new General Manager of CGT, wrapped proceedings up.

It brought to an end a special conference for the Chinese contingent who had travelled so far and given input to help understand their needs in depth and develop our industries together. By working closely with our customers we can ensure we're meeting their requirements and deliver future successes again.